600th Floor

600th Floor

using the elevator.lei went 5floors up,then went 3floors down and went up 8floors at what floor of the building did he finally land​

Daftar Isi

1. using the elevator.lei went 5floors up,then went 3floors down and went up 8floors at what floor of the building did he finally land​



Step-by-step explanation:

when you get in to the elevator you push the 5 right but suddenly they are 3 people goes to 3rd floor or lets just say 3 floors down then lastly you ho to 8 floors

2. stephanie took the elevator at the 4th floor. It went down 3floors, then up by 5floors, and up again by 2floors, where she finally got off. On what floor did she get off the elevator? ​

Answer: 8th floor

Step-by-step explanation: not sure.

3. in the sequence 5,8,11,14,17 find the 30th, 60th, and 100th term​

1st term = 5

2nd term = 8

3rd term = 11

4th term = 14

5th term = 17

difference (d) = 17 - 14 = 3

from the formula of arithmetic sequence

a_n = a_1 + (n - 1)d


30th term = ?

a_30 = 5 + (30 - 1)3

a_30 = 92

60th term = ?

a_60 = 5 + (60 - 1)3

a_60 = 182

100th term = ?

a_100 = 5 + (100 - 1)3

a_100 = 302

4. An elevator is on the 100th floor, goes 15 floors up. What floor is the elevator now? ​

Answer:115th floorStep-by-step explanation:100+15=115Pa correct kung mali


115th is the answer

Step-by-step explanation:

100th+15th=115th floor

5. Kate is on 3rd floor in interger +3 goes up 6floor in interger___ goes down 2 floors in integer___​

Kate is on 3rd floor in interger +3 goes up 6 floors in integer +6 goes down 2 floors in integer - 2

6. What method is used to separate flour and coarsley ground floor​


that is called strainer

7. Late gets inyo the elevator on the third flooe of a shopping mall.she goes up 6 floors to reach the food court after an hour she Went down 2 floors to buy books at which floor is she now?


7th floor


Sana makatulong :)

8. Which situation does not belong to the group? A. A fully-charged cellphone. B.A bow being stretched to some distance. C.A boy walking down the stairs from the 2nd floor.D.An elevator moving up to 100th floor from the ground ​


A. a fully charged cp :))

9. This kind of floor contains the largest amount of protein which is 12 to 14%. A. All purpose flourB. Bread flourC. Cake flourD. Self-risen flour​


Bread Flour: With a protein content of 12 to 14 percent, bread flour is the strongest of all flours, providing the most structural support.

10. hun took an elevator from the 2nd floor to the 12th floor and took the same 5floors down on what hun did hun stop


Hun stopped at the 7th floor

11. when flour is mixed with water what happens to the mixture?A. flour dissolves in water completelyB. flour remains floating on the waterC. floor does not dissolved completelyD. floor scatters then the settle at the bottom after sometime​


c po ung sagot


pa heart po


C. floor does not dissolved completely


when flour is mixed with water, it forms a mixture known as a suspension. Suspensions are generally opaque and forms when the solute (the flour) cannot completely dissolve in the solvent (the water).

Hope this helps!!:)#LET'S STUDY

12. a kitchen tool used to incorporate air into the flour and ensure accurate measurement? a. flour sifter b. dishcloth c. cleaning cloth d. floor scale​


a. flour sifter


If the recipe calls specifically for sifted flour, strain it through a sifter or sieve. Both of these methods incorporate air into the flour for a more accurate measurement; sifting the flour helps ensure that only the finest particles are used in the recipe.

13. Calculate the difference between the 100th term and 200th term of the sequence6, 15, 24, 33...​



Step-by-step explanation:

100th term = 6 + (100-1)9

= 897

200th term = 6 + (199-1)9




14. when you mix water and flour they form suspension mixture why because floor blank​

Answer:C.mix evenly with water

15. 3. What is the independent variable?a. Time of floor wax applicationb. Area of the mail applied with floor wax.c. Brand of floor tilesd. Brand of fioor wax​

B. Area of mail applied with floor wax.

16. Imagine..You were on 200th floor inside this building. Alone.The building suddenly caught fire for an unknown reasonWhat would be the first thing that you'll do?​


Call the fire department


Wherever you are when an earthquake starts, take cover immediately. Move a few steps to a nearby safe place if need be. Stay there until the shaking stops.

17. 25thfloor 4floors 6floors​

ito ay 35.5 kasi sinusukat ang halaman na ito

18. Which situation shows an increase in gravitational potential energy?A.A cellphone with an empty battery.B.A bow being stretched to some distance.C.An elevator moving up to 100th floor from the ground.D.A boy walking down the stairs from the 3rd floor of a building.PASAGOT PO​



Step-by-step explanation:

thx Carry on learning



Step-by-step explanation:

gravitational potential energy increases as weight and height increases.

19. find nth term in each given arithmetic sequence 100th in 8,13 18 231000th in -4,-1,2,575th in 1,3,5,731th in 18,14,10,6200th in2,8,14,20​


1) 503

2) 2993

3) 149

4) -102

5) 1196

Step-by-step explanation:

Formula for Arithmetic Sequence:

a1 + (n-1) d

20. 2.kate gets into the elevator on the third floor of a shpping mall.she goes 6 floor to reach the food court.After an hour, she went down 2 floors to buy books.At which dloor is she now?​


ehemm load

Step-by-step explanation:

i think 4th floor? pero parang 3rd floor? 4th floor na lang

21. A man lives on the 100th floor of an apartment building. On rainy days he rides the elevator all the way up. However, on sunny days, he goes half way and takes the stairs the rest of the way. Why?​





A man lives on the 100th floor of an apartment building. On rainy days he rides the elevator all the way up. However, on sunny days, he goes half way and takes the stairs the rest of the way. Why?

The man is really really short he can only reach 50th button of the elevator, assuming an unorthodox and inherently unlucky to press the elevator button


22. an elevator in sky tower went up to 34th floor then it went down to 19th floor and went up again in 31 floors. finally it went down to 27th floor. at what floor was it then?A. 19th floorB. 25th floorC. 27th floorD. 34th floot​


Letter A

Step-by-step explanation:

34 - 19 = 15

15 + 31 = 46

46 - 27 = 19

19 = 19th floor

19th floor = Letter A

Sana po makatulong

Pa brainliest po :)

23. floor with lumps stone bugs stalks and husks, whats the importance in daily life of the flour?​


1.    Pure substances : Many substances around us contain only one type of constituent particles. Elements and compounds are pure substances. These are called pure substances. For example, iron, copper, water, salt, etc.

2.    Impure substances :Substances containing more than one type of constituent particles are called impure substances for example, pond water, milk, etc.

3.    Impurities : These are the unwanted particles present in a substance making it impure.

4.    Mixtures :Substances which contain more than one component mixed in any ratio are called mixtures. For examples : air is a mixture of many gases like Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon dioxide and dust particles, etc.

5.    Homogeneous mixtures :Mixture in which the particles of the substance present cannot be seen are called homogeneous mixtures. For example, solution of sugar and water, air, cold drinks.

6.    Heterogeneous mixtures : Mixture in which particles of the substances present can be seen easily are called heterogeneous mixtures. For example, water in oil, dust in air.

7.    Solution : When a soluble substance is dissolved completely in a liquid (say sugar in water). A homogeneous mixture is formed. It is known as solution.

8.    Saturated solution : A solution in which no more soluble substance can be dissolved at room temperature is called saturated solution.

9.    Need for separation : We carry out the separation of the components of a mixture or an impure substance with the following purposes :

(i)            To remove the unuseful or harmful component.

(ii)          To obtain the useful component.

(iii)         To remove impurities for getting a pure sample.

10.Principle of separation

1.    The substances present in a mixture retain their original properties like particle size, density, melting point, boiling point, volatility, etc.

2.    We use the difference in anyone of these properties in the components of a mixture to separate them.

11.Methods of separation : Hand picking, winnowing, sieving, magnetic separation, sedimentation, decantation, loading, filtration, evaporation, sublimation, distillation, churning, etc. are some common methods of separation.

12.Handpicking :This method is used for separating small particles of dirt, stone, husk etc. from the grains of wheat, rice, pulses, etc.


(i)            Sieving is used when two component of a mixture have different particle size.

(ii)          Sieving allows the fine particles to pass through the holes of the sieve, while the bigger particles remain on the sieve. For examples, sieving of wheat flour, sieving of sand at construction sites.

14.Winnowing : Winnowing can be used to separate lighter and heavier components of a mixture. For example : to separate husk from grain with the help of air.

15.Threshing : The process that is used to separate grain from stalks is threshing.

16.Decantation :It is the transfer of clean liquid from one vessel to other vessel without disturbing the settled (sedimented) particles.

17.Loading : It is the process of faster sedimentation by suspending alum to a liquid.

18.Filtration :Filtration is used to separate solid particles from liquid by passing the mixture through a filter paper.

19.Evaporation :It is the process of removing water (or moisture) from a mixture either by heating on flame or direct sunlight. For example : salt from sea water is obtained by this method.

20.Condensation :The process of conversion of water vapour into its liquid form is called condensation.

21.Churning (or centrifugation) :It is the process of separation of the lighter particles of a suspended solid from a liquid. For example : to obtain butter from the curd or milk.

22.Crystallisation :The process of crystallization is used for obtaining pure crystallive substance from impure sample.

23.Sedimentation :It is the process of settling of heavy solid particles in a mixture at the bottom of the vessel.


24. Mila is preparing a dish in the kitchen how will she removed Impurities from flour and pulses?A.Stir the flourB.seive the floorC.shake the flourD.Dissolve the flourPa sagot mga mareh​


the answer is letter B.seive the flour

25. A man lives on the 100th floor of an apartment building. On rainy days he rides the elevator all the way up. However, on sunny days, he goes half way and takes the stairs the rest of the way. Why?


The man is short and can only reach the button for the 50th floor on the elevator. On rainy days, he uses his umbrella handle.



he goes half way and takes the stairs because he didnt use the elevator because it rainy and we nee to use only stairs not elevator


hope it can help

26. find nth term8,13,18,23 100th-4,-1,2,5. 1000th 1,3,5,7. 75th 18,14,10,6. 31th2,8,14,20. 200th


malabo tanong mo diko maintindihan


1.) 100th:

[tex] a_{100} \: = 503[/tex]

2.) 1000th:

[tex] a_{1000} \: = 2993[/tex]

3.) 75th:

[tex] a_{75} \: = 149[/tex]

4.) 31st

[tex] a_{31} \: = - 102[/tex]

5.) 200th

[tex] a_{200} \: = 1196[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex] \alpha _{n} \: = \alpha _{1} \: + (n - 1)d[/tex]

27. from the groundfloor,an elevator went up floors and then went down 4floors. At what floor did the elevator stop?A.3RD FLOORB.5TH FLOORC.7TH FLOORD.9TH FLOOR​


5th (fifth floor) just a hunch though

28. when another 200 g of flour was added in the solution the additional floor was not dissolve completely and settled​




because you add too many flour

29. The length of the floir is 32 m longer than its width and there is greatee than 200 square meters. You will cover the floor completely with tiles. What will be the possible dimention of the floor?


40x8 m tiles




ung lng pinakamaayos na explanation

30. An elevator operates at an average speed of 9 m/s. If the 100th floor is 405 m above the first floor, how long does it take for the elevator to go from the 1st floor to the 100th floor? Need Solution-please!


it will take 11 mins

Step-by-step explanation:

If the speed average of an elevator is 9/ms and the 100th floor is 405 m above from the first floor.

divide the 100 to 9 and the answer is 11 minutes.

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