12 Striking Techniques In Arnis

12 Striking Techniques In Arnis

what is the 12 striking techniques in arnis​

Daftar Isi

1. what is the 12 striking techniques in arnis​


Left side of the head attack

Right side of the head attack

Left side of the body or torso

Right side of the body or torso

Thrust to the stomach

Left chest stab

Right chest stab

Left lower leg

Right lower leg

Left eye poke

Right eye poke

Strike to the crown/top of head



2. What is the 12 striking techniques of arnis?

12 Basic Strikes of Arnis

1. Left side of the head attack.  

A diagonal downward forehand swing to the left temple. From the position, the warrior will hold the stick with one hand at 1 o’clock moving his stick in slashing motion while his free hand on his chest.

2. Right side of the head attack.

A diagonal downward backhand swing striking to the right temple. Assuming a fighting stance like the left temple strike, the warrior this time held his stick at 11 o'clock with his free hand kept on his chest.

3. Left side of the body or torso, to the left arm or elbow.  

The 3rd striking technique allows the practitioner to extend his weapon hand making it easier for him to strike any part of the opponent between its shoulder and hips. The stick will be draw in a diagonal forehand slashing swing making it easier to deliver a damage.

4. Right side of the body or torso, to the left arm or elbow.  

Same as the 3rd strike but this time the practitioner will extend the weapon hand to strike any part of the body between the shoulder and the hips in a backhand slashing swing located on the right side

5. Thrust to the stomach.  

In this strike, the practitioner will thrust the weapon hand to the stomach and is followed by an upward motion that will cut through his opponent's body.

6. Left chest stab.

In this strike, the weapon hand is then extended to the front with the palm facing outward and the elbow kept up where this strike can cause damage to the rib cage.

7. Right chest stab.

In this stance, the practitioner will practice the scooping action. The weapon hand is then extended forward with the palm facing outward. To deliver the strike properly, the elbow should be kept up puncturing the opponents right lung.

8. Left lower leg.

In this technique, the practitioner will deliver a powerful strike to the opponents lower leg, mainly the knee, the angle or the ankel which throws off the opponents balance and immobilize him. By doing this, the warrior is supposed to lower his body(extending the weapon arm). Holding his palm upward and hit any part of the opponents lower leg.

9. Right lower leg.  

Again, like the 8th strike, the main target here is the right lower leg which immobilize the opponent. By doing this, the palm should face downward.

10. Left eye poke.  

The target here is the left eye socket. In order to execute it properly, the practitioner should assume fighting stance then extend the weapon hand forward with the palm facing outward with its elbow kept down.

11. Right eye poke.  

Same as the 10th strike technique. To execute it properly the practitioner will have to hold his elbow down poking the right eye of the opponent.

12. Strike to the crown/top of head.

The last strike will be a straight downward overhead swing directed towards the crown of the head which could throw off the opponents mobility and balance.

What is Arnis?  

- is a Filipino martial art that can be performed individually or with a partner using a single stick or a pair of sticks for striking and blocking; can also be used for self-defense.

Equipment of Arnis:

Wooden Stick

The wooden stick shall measure not less than 60 cm and not more than 90 cm in length with a diameter of not less than 1.3 cm and not more than 3.8 cm. It must not have sharp edges or pointed ends.

Wooden Replica of a Bladed Weapon

The wooden replica shall measure not less than 60 cm and not more than 90 cm in full length and should be Ethnic Asian in origin. It must not have sharp edges or pointed ends.

Foam- cushion material

Should be foaming the padded sticks and shall have a maximum grip diameter not greater than 3.81 cm.

Head Protector

Refers to a pair of protective head gear to include an impact-worthy face mask.

Kinds of Stances  

1. Ready Stance  

Stand with your feet apart parallel to the shoulder with both toes pointing forward.

2. Attention Stance  

Stand with your feet forming a 45 degrees angle.

3. Forward Stance  

Right Foot Forward Stance Starting with the ready stance, move one foot forward until the knee and the toe are in line to each other.

4. Oblique Stance  

Right Foot Oblique Stance Starting with the ready stance, move one foot forward 45 degrees away from the body until the knee and the toe are in line to each other.

5. Straddle Stance  

Starting with the ready stance, move one foot about two feet (2’) to the left or the right direction until both lower legs are almost perpendicular to the ground.

6. Side Stance Left Side Stance

Starting with the ready stance, move one foot about two feet (2’) to the left or right direction.

7. Back Stance  

Right Foot Back Stance Starting with the ready stance, move one foot backward 45 degrees away from the body.

For additional information about this topic, just click these links: What are the sports lingo of arnis: https://brainly.ph/question/1008885,

Who was the father of arnis martial arts?: https://brainly.ph/question/300333


3. discuss what are the 12 striking techniques in Arnis?​


1-Left side of the head attack.

A diagonal downward forehand swing to the left temple. From the position, the warrior will hold the stick with one hand at 1 o’clock moving his stick in slashing motion while his free hand on his chest.

2–Right side of the head attack.

A diagonal downward backhand swing striking to the right temple. Assuming a fighting stance like the left temple strike, the warrior this time held his stick at 11o'clock with his free hand kept on his chest.

3–Left side of the body or torso, to the left arm or elbow.

The 3rd striking technique allows the practitioner to extend his weapon hand making it easier for him to strike any part of the opponent between its shoulder and hips. The stick will be draw in a diagonal forehand slashing swing making it easier to deliver a damage.

4–Right side of the body or torso, to the left arm or elbow.

Same as the 3rd strike but this time the practitioner will extend the weapon hand to strike any part of the body between the shoulder and the hips in a backhand slashing swing located on the right side

5–Thrust to the stomach.

In this strike, the practitioner will thrust the weapon hand to the stomach and is followed by an upward motion that will cut through his opponent's body.

6–Left chest stab.

In this strike, the weapon hand is then extended to the front with the palm facing outward and the elbow kept up where this strike can cause damage to the rib cage.

7–Right chest stab.

In this stance, the practitioner will practice the scooping action. The weapon hand is then extended forward with the palm facing outward. To deliver the strike properly, the elbow should be kept up puncturing the opponents right lung.

8–Left lower leg.

In this technique, the practitioner will deliver a powerful strike to the opponents lower leg, mainly the knee, the angle or the ankel which throws off the opponents balance and immobilize him. By doing this, the warrior is supposed to lower his body(extending the weapon arm). Holding his palm upward and hit any part of the opponents lower leg.

9–Right lower leg.

Again, like the 8th strike, the main target here is the right lower leg which immobilize the opponent. By doing this, the palm should face downward.

10–Left eye poke.

The target here is the left eye socket. In order to execute it properly, the practitioner should assume fighting stance then extend the weapon hand forward with the palm facing outward with its elbow kept down.

11– Right eye poke.

Same as the 10th strike technique. To execute it properly the practitioner will have to hold his elbow down poking the right eye of the oponent.

12–Strike to the crown/top of head.

The last strike will be a straight downward overhead swing directed towards the crown of the head which could throw off the opponents mobility and balance.

Answer:mga diskarte sa Arnis:

# 1 - Kaliwang bahagi ng atake sa ulo. # 2 - Kanang bahagi ng atake sa ulo. # 3 - Kaliwang bahagi ng katawan o katawan, sa kaliwang braso o siko. # 4 - Kanang bahagi ng katawan o katawan, sa kaliwang braso o siko

4. Which of the following is one of the striking techniques in arnis?​


the beating and trapping of the opponent's sword

5. which striking technique are not part of arnis?​

Answer: Defanging the snake

correct me if im wrong

6. why do we need to have knowledge about knowing the 6 striking techniques and 12 striking techniques in arnis?​


A few of its benefits: You can use its techniques with the empty hands or with weapons for self defense.. You will be predisposed to recognize objects that can be used as weapons where others don't. You will sense danger sooner than the untrained and will position yourself close to a means of escape.


brainliest me pls(^^)

7. 1. What are the important things when doing the 12 VITAL STRIKING TECHNIQUES IN ARNIS?​

12 Striking Techniques in Arnis –


How are the basic strikes taught?

What are the 12 striking Techniques In Arnis?

#1 - Left side of the head attack

#2 - Right side of the head attack

#3 - Left side of the body or torso

#4 - Right side of the body or torso

#5 - Thrust To The Stomach

#6 - Left Chest Stab

#7 - Right Chest Stab

#8 - Left Lower Leg

#9 - Right Lower Leg

#10 - Left Eye Poke

#11 - Right Eye Poke

#12 - Strike to the crown/top of head.

The Filipino Arnis is a rich and ancient art that has been popular for long centuries among warriors and practitioners.

Today, there are big numbers of enthusiastic devotees who want to dive into the history and secrets behind this popular martial art.

Masters of the Arnis still follow the ancient ways to teach new practitioners the basic methods and 12 striking techniques in Arnis to become a great warrior.

12 striking techniques in Arnis - Basic Lessons

The Arnis basically depends on defending against different angles.

This is because almost every type of hand to hand attack reaches the body of the opponent through a different angle.

And this is also the same whether the practitioner is using a weapon or is fighting barehanded.

For instance, learning to defend against an attack that hits the left side of the chest is particularly the same whether the attacker is using a knife, a baston, or a sibat.

Learning to defend against these angles is by far much more efficient than learning to defend against different weapons.

8. which of the following is on of striking techniques in arnis​


Arnis is an ancient Filipino art among warriors and practitioners. It is played by 2 partner face to face with each other. It is mainly strike and defense using a stick.

The 12 Striking Techniques

1-Left side of the head attack.

2–Right side of the head attack.

3–Left side of the body or torso, to the left arm or elbow.

4–Right side of the body or torso, to the left arm or elbow.

5–Thrust to the stomach.

6–Left chest stab.

7–Right chest stab.

8–Left lower leg.

9–Right lower leg.

10–Left eye poke.

11– Right eye poke.

12–Strike to the crown/top of head.

9. Identify or name the 12 striking techniques in Arnis.


head,muscle, knee, hair,sholders


sana po makatulong pachek po kung mali

10. what is the 6 striking techniques in arnis?​


1.Left side of the head attack

2.Right side of the head attack

3.Left side of the body or torso to the left arm or elbow

4.Right side of the body or torso to the right arm or elbow

5.Thrust to the stomach

6.Left chest stab

7.Right chest stab

11. guys . below are the striking techniques you will learn in arnis arrange the following striking techniques by writing number 1 to 12 on the space provided before each item ​


striking techniques

left chest stab

striking techniques

left eye poke

striking techniques

right eye poke

Arnis the left side of the trunk attack

Arnis right knee strike


thats your answers

12. Whichof theFollowing is one Of the striking Technique in Arnis


Saan yung pictures where is the picture

13. If Mr. Remiego Presas is alive, what questions are you going to ask him in connection with the 12 striking techniques in arnis?

How could i improve my striking skills
What should i consider everytime i strike
What are the do’s and dont’s when you strike

14. Why is it necessary to learn the striking techniques in Arnis?​


Doing it properly, with proper body mechanics, will result in an optimal transfer of power to the technique



.Arnis is the best form of martial arts to learn for self-defense against multiple attackers. It is also a great way to discipline your mind and improve your body. ... It is necessary for you to master these 12 striking techniques to become an effective Arnis practitioner

15. Enumeration1.)sticking techniques in arnis2.) Arnis stance3.) The first strikes4.) The basic blocking techniques in arnis.​


A diagonal downward forehand swing to the left temple. From the position, the warrior will hold the stick with one hand at 1 o'clock moving his stick in slashing motion while his free hand on his chest. 2–Right side of the head attack. A diagonal downward backhand swing striking to the right temple.



The knees should be straight, the waist and the body facing forward. Hands are on waist level and the hands should hold the sticks on both sides. The ready stance is commonly used when standing at ease during training or tournaments.


The first 5 strikes are as follows.

The first 5 strikes are as follows.#1 – Forehand strike to the left temple. #2 – Backhand strike to the right temple. #3 – Forehand strike to the left elbow. #4 – Backhand strike to the right elbow.


Rising Block Vertical Block.

Rising Block Vertical Block.Vertical Block- performed by raising the elbow at. Rising Block- performed by raising the cane over. ...

Rising Block Vertical Block.Vertical Block- performed by raising the elbow at. Rising Block- performed by raising the cane over. ...Right Sideward- Downward Block Left Sideward- Downward Block. ...

Rising Block Vertical Block.Vertical Block- performed by raising the elbow at. Rising Block- performed by raising the cane over. ...Right Sideward- Downward Block Left Sideward- Downward Block. ...Right Sideward- Upward Block Left Sideward- Upward Block. ...



16. 1. What are the important things when doing the 12 VITAL STRIKING TECHNIQUES IN ARNIS?​


it's to invade the enemy attack and run if the opponent has a gun. HAPPY LEARNING

17. 12 basic striking techniques of arnis picture​


12 basic striking techniques of arnis

Left TempleRight TempleLeft ArmRight ArmThrust to the stomachLeft ChestRight ChestRight FootLeft FootLeft EyeRight EyeCrown/Top of head



[tex] \rm\blue{Goodluck on your studies}[/tex]

18. what are 7 striking techniques involed in arnis?


Ready Stance - Hold the stick on both sides with 2-3 inches allowance from the edge of the stickAttention Stance - Keep the heels close together with your feet forming a 45-degree angle.Forward Stance - The foot aligned with your dominant hand should be the foot moving forward.Back Stance - This stance is the opposite of the forward stance wherein the rear foot moves backwardSide Stance - In the side stance, the moving foot is always perpendicular to the ground while the other leg is extended.Oblique Stance - This stance is used when moving left and right. When either the lead or rear foot moves toward the left or right, it is necessary to do complementary stepsStraddle Stance - From the ready stance, move one of your feet away from the other foot until the distance is about 2 feet.

19. what is the 1st strike of the 12 striking point in arnis ?​


#1 – Forehand strike to the left temple.

#2 – Backhand strike to the right temple.

#3 – Forehand strike to the left elbow.

#4 – Backhand strike to the right







20. why do we need to have knowledge about knowing the six striking techniques and twelve striking techniques in arnis?​


Once you have mastered the basic stances of Arnis, you are now ready to learn the 12 basic striking techniques. These techniques are used with the stances. The effectivity of each strike heavily relies on mobility, which is why you must have a strong command of the basic stances before learning the 12 basic striking techniques.

Learning how to defend yourself is essential in today’s time because of the number of people with ill intentions in the streets. Arnis is the best form of martial arts to learn for self-defense against multiple attackers. It is also a great way to discipline your mind and improve your body. The techniques of Arnis are extremely lethal when learned correctly. It is necessary for you to master these 12 striking techniques to become an effective Arnis practitioner. 

These moves and basic stances are the basis for most of the advanced techniques. The principles used in Arnis are also the same principles used in most Eastern martial arts. This will make it easier for you to learn other Asian fighting arts.

21. Seven striking techniques involved in arnis

1. Left side of the head attack
2. Right side of the head attack
3. left side of the body (trunk) attack
4. Right side of the body (trunk) attack
5. Thrust to solar plexus ( stomach) attack
6.  Left chest stab
7. Right chest stab 

22. why do we need to have knowledge about knowing the six striking techniques and twelve 12 striking techniques in arnis


Once you have mastered the basic stances of Arnis, you are now ready to learn the 12 basic striking techniques. These techniques are used with the stances. The effectivity of each strike heavily relies on mobility, which is why you must have a strong command of the basic stances before learning the 12 basic striking techniques.

Learning how to defend yourself is essential in today’s time because of the number of people with ill intentions in the streets. Arnis is the best form of martial arts to learn for self-defense against multiple attackers. It is also a great way to discipline your mind and improve your body. The techniques of Arnis are extremely lethal when learned correctly. It is necessary for you to master these 12 striking techniques to become an effective Arnis practitioner. 

These moves and basic stances are the basis for most of the advanced techniques. The principles used in Arnis are also the same principles used in most Eastern martial arts. This will make it easier for you to learn other Asian fighting arts.

23. Why do we need have knowledge about knowing the 6 striking techniques and twelve 12 striking techniques in arnis?​


To further improve our skills when it comes to self defense.


I hope it helps!:]


24. Enumerate the 12 Vital/Fatal point Striking Techniques in Arnis​


nasa pic ung sagot


pa brainliest po and follow

25. which striking techniques are not part of arnis ​


Diko alam kung tama kasi diko alam

26. why do we need to have knowledge about knowing the 6 striking techniques and 12 striking techniques in arnis


Once you have mastered the basic stances of Arnis, you are now ready to learn the 12 basic striking techniques. These techniques are used with the stances. The effectivity of each strike heavily relies on mobility, which is why you must have a strong command of the basic stances before learning the 12 basic striking techniques.

Learning how to defend yourself is essential in today’s time because of the number of people with ill intentions in the streets. Arnis is the best form of martial arts to learn for self-defense against multiple attackers. It is also a great way to discipline your mind and improve your body. The techniques of Arnis are extremely lethal when learned correctly. It is necessary for you to master these 12 striking techniques to become an effective Arnis practitioner. 

These moves and basic stances are the basis for most of the advanced techniques. The principles used in Arnis are also the same principles used in most Eastern martial arts. This will make it easier for you to learn other Asian fighting arts.

27. The first strike in Arnis 12 Strike is at the​


yan po sobrang dami yan


1-12 basahin niyo din po sa module hinde lang po yan dalwa

28. which of the following is one of the striking techniques in arnis​


29. discuss what are the 12 striking techniques in Arnis?​

step 1 step2 step3 step 4

30. 12 basic strikes of arnis

12 Basic Strikes of Arnis 1. Left side of the head attack.  A diagonal downward forehand swing to the left temple. From the position, the warrior will hold the stick with one hand at 1 o’clock moving his stick in slashing motion while his free hand on his chest.

2. Right side of the head attack.

A diagonal downward backhand swing striking to the right temple. Assuming a fighting stance like the left temple strike, the warrior this time held his stick at 11o'clock with his free hand kept on his chest.

3. Left side of the body or torso, to the left arm or elbow.  

The 3rd striking technique allows the practitioner to extend his weapon hand making it easier for him to strike any part of the opponent between its shoulder and hips. The stick will be draw in a diagonal forehand slashing swing making it easier to deliver a damage.

4. Right side of the body or torso, to the left arm or elbow.  

Same as the 3rd strike but this time the practitioner will extend the weapon hand to strike any part of the body between the shoulder and the hips in a backhand slashing swing located on the right side

5. Thrust to the stomach.  

In this strike, the practitioner will thrust the weapon hand to the stomach and is followed by an upward motion that will cut through his opponent's body.

6. Left chest stab.

In this strike, the weapon hand is then extended to the front with the palm facing outward and the elbow kept up where this strike can cause damage to the rib cage.

7. Right chest stab.

In this stance, the practitioner will practice the scooping action. The weapon hand is then extended forward with the palm facing outward. To deliver the strike properly, the elbow should be kept up puncturing the opponents right lung.

8. Left lower leg.

In this technique, the practitioner will deliver a powerful strike to the opponents lower leg, mainly the knee, the angle or the ankel which throws off the opponents balance and immobilize him. By doing this, the warrior is supposed to lower his body(extending the weapon arm). Holding his palm upward and hit any part of the opponents lower leg.

9. Right lower leg.  

Again, like the 8th strike, the main target here is the right lower leg which immobilize the opponent. By doing this, the palm should face downward.

10. Left eye poke.  

The target here is the left eye socket. In order to execute it properly, the practitioner should assume fighting stance then extend the weapon hand forward with the palm facing outward with its elbow kept down.

11. Right eye poke.  

Same as the 10th strike technique. To execute it properly the practitioner will have to hold his elbow down poking the right eye of the opponent.

12. Strike to the crown/top of head.

The last strike will be a straight downward overhead swing directed towards the crown of the head which could throw off the opponents mobility and balance.

For more information about playing arnis, just click this link: 5 blocking techniques in arnis:https://brainly.ph/question/1030543


What is Arnis?  

- is a Filipino martial art that can be performed individually or with a partner using a single stick or a pair of sticks for striking and blocking; can also be used for self-defense.

-Arnis is also known as kali or eskrima, refers to a category of Filipino martial arts that emphasizes the use of weapons whether it be fighting sticks, blades or improvised weapons.  

For additional information about Arnis, just click this link: Who was the father of arnis martial arts?: https://brainly.ph/question/300333  

Equipments of Arnis:

1. Weapon padded stick

2. Head Protector head gear Body Protector  

3. Groin protector Forearm and shin guard  

Kinds of Stances  

1. Ready Stance  

Stand with your feet apart parallel to the shoulder with both toes pointing forward.

2. Attention Stance  

Stand with your feet forming a 45 degrees angle.

3. Forward Stance  

Right Foot Forward Stance Starting with the ready stance, move one foot forward until the knee and the toe are in line to each other.

4. Oblique Stance  

Right Foot Oblique Stance Starting with the ready stance, move one foot forward 45 degrees away from the body until the knee and the toe are in line to each other.

5. Straddle Stance  

Starting with the ready stance, move one foot about two feet (2’) to the left or the right direction until both lower legs are almost perpendicular to the ground.

6. Side Stance Left Side Stance

Starting with the ready stance, move one foot about two feet (2’) to the left or right direction.

7. Back Stance  

Right Foot Back Stance Starting with the ready stance, move one foot backward 45 degrees away from the body.

For additional information about this topic, just click this link: What are the sports lingo of arnis?: https://brainly.ph/question/1008885

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